Products Steam Boilers Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal MP


CONSTRUCTION AGNIJET is a horizontal, three pass, fully wet back, single -flue tube, smoke tube steam boiler. AGNIJET consists of single shell made from boiler quality plates. Inside this shell, furnace made of boiler quality plate is fitted. This furnace is surrounded by a nest of flue tubes. Water outside the furnace & flue tubes receives heat to raise the temperature of water. The water near the furnace surface and near the flue tube surfaces gets heated and moves upwards. The cooler water moves downwards.
The burner is fitted on the front refractory door. The flue gases reverse inside the combustion chamber into a set of flue tubes forming the first convection pass and further reverse inside the front refractory / ceramic wool lined door to another set of flue tubes that form the second convection pass. Thus there is one pass inside the furnace and two convection passes through the flue tubes. Mountings on this shell include stop, drain & safety valves, level gauges, level controller, etc.
Controls, instruments & safeties are complete to international standard practices. The interlocks & control logic are designed keeping in mind round-the-clock operation.
Burner control is through a burner motor positioned mounted in the control panel, which receives the signal from pressuretrol mounted on the generator. The positioned holds the modulation motor in a position which in turn allows correct quantity of fuel & combustion air to be sent to the burner using mechanical connectors/linkages.


  • Capacities : From 2 TPH to 20 TPH
  • Pressure : From 10.54 to 21.0 Kg/cm2
  • Firing fuels : Low and high calorific value coal, Bagasse, wood logs / Wood Chips, husk, biomass fuels, etc.