Products Steam Boilers Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal MP


COMBIPLUS is a water cum smoke tube type package steam boiler, which can fire solid fuels like coal, lignite and wood. The fuel is charged through a charging door to keep the fire going. COMBIPLUS is designed to provide low cost heating with minimum operational complexity.

Unique design features

The best of two worlds (combining hybrid and integral furnace boiler technologies) Combiplus blends the best of two different boiler technologies, to offer a configuration which combines all the benefits of hybrid boilers like fuel flexibility, as well as the inherent ruggedness and compactness of integral furnace boilers.

How Combiplus scores over the hybrid boiler

  • Up to 90% reduction in refractory.
  • Up to 40% reduction in footprint.
  • Up to 80% reduction in site work.
  • Flexibility to burn a wide variety of solid fuels - fossil and biomass.
  • Quick start up time.

  • Capacities : From 0.5 to 6 TPH
  • Pressure : From 10.54 to 17.5 Kg/cm2 (g)
  • Firing fuels : Coal, lignite, wood and wood breeket