B-Max plus in the output range of 300 to 700 kg/ hr are manufactured in Three-pass smoke-tube, dry back
compact shell type configuration and designed.
These boilers are fitted with ID combustion & hinged refractory doors for ease of operation &
maintenance making them quite compact and efficient packaged machines with IBR approved in
Small Industrial Boilers
Salient Features :
Wood and Coal Fired, 3 Pass, Shell & tube type Steam Boilers.
3 pass compact steam boiler
Easy to operate and maintain with low power consumption
Hinged doors for quick cleaning of smoke tubes
Fitted with necessary controls and safety for trouble-free operation
Sufficient water/steam volume for steady steam output
Capacities : 300 kg/hr to 500 kg/hr
Pressure : 10.00 kg/cm2
Firing fuels : coal/wood/Ele. Power