COMAX PLUS is a versatile, fully automatic, instant steam generating range of boilers designed for safe and reliable operations. Easy to install and commission, these time-tested boilers require very little maintenance. It features a specially designed furnace and combustion system to burn difficult heavy oils and offers fuel flexibility between light and heavy oils to help respond to fluctuating fuel prices.
How Combiplus scores over the hybrid boiler
Efficiency of 88% +- 2 on NCV.
Reverse Flame technology.
Unique patented membrane design
Membrane design allows large tube diameter for coil enabling better steam dryness, less
Frequent de-scaling, longer coil life and minimum downtime
Unique economizer - optimizer design ensures maximum heat recovery without possibility of feed water pump failure due to boiling/ vapor causing cavitations and pump failure
Unique circulation burner design prevents leakage and eliminates fire hazard
Ceramic wool refractory allows fast cooling of top plate and easy maintenance
Easy access to all parts requiring maintenance
Powder-coated, well lit control panel for better life in industrial environment and easy
Capacities : From 100 to 850 Kg/hr
Design Pressure : From 10.54 to 15.00 Kg/cm² (g)
Firing fuels :Light oil, gas or dual fuel